
Showing posts from February, 2018

Sinking sun and the rising soul

Googling 'The sinking sun' fetched with the result, 'Essay: The Sinking Sun' published in The New York Times in 2001 which spoke about the slumping stock markets.. I am a marketeer by profession and I hardly take a bite of my daily routine to focus on not-so-important areas thereby only dealing with and solving issues which may affect my regular concerns. In due course of the journey, it was high time that I realised Life to be a jigsaw and amidst sorting out our knotty affairs, we forget to turn our heads towards the beauty and serenity of our surroundings. ‘What next?’  I asked myself, trying to give it a thought. Bingo! A whisper within gave me a priceless proposition, “Fix a date with the Sinking Sun?” Perturbed by the noises of my daily routine, my heart wanted me to experience something vibrant and energetic on one hand, while on the other, my cerebrum went on pushing me to stick to my normal monotonous schedule. What a horrible di

The reliable companion at all times

Music is Magical; Music is Glory; Music is Ecstatic; Music is Holy ; Music is beauty of form, harmony and a tool to express emotions. Music is my best companion in solitude. I enjoy its rhythm even when I am deeply engrossed in work or when I am fatigued. My 'Mood Traffic' is untangled after a long tiring day when it is followed by a mug of steaming coffee and some retro-music.    Music refreshes my soul and keep me lively throughout the day. It is an anecdote. Where words fail, music speaks... Music kills my sorrow Music fills me with cheerfulness It compels me to sway and whirl irrespective of the place where I am; Music has a deeper impact when the content becomes meaningful; when I can relate my current situation with its lyrics. It injects in me the ATP which acts as a driving force in addressing and overcoming some unwanted noise of my life. " I n my life There are so many questions and answers That somehow seem wrong