Painting- An Ardent Reflection of Mind

'Painting is silent poetry jotted down in varied colors.'

Though one of my favorite hobbies in my childhood, somehow that artist in me went for a long long leave on account of me stepping into work life. I had never thought of bringing her back as I am already burdened with a stressful work life.


The return of the avid painter occurred on one fine rainy Monday morning when I was sitting in my living room watching the incessant downpour with a mug of steaming home-made cappuccino and a page named 'art gallery' opened on Instagram. 
The first step was to place an order of canvas art papers, acrylic colors, paint brushes and palette on Amazon and made sure to add the filter 'delivery by tomorrow'. It was that much crazy for me!
Secondly, as it was a restart for me, i selected one painting as my target for the upcoming weekend. Here it goes...

Being a blogger by passion,i keep following other bloggers on Instagram. It was amidst some article which had the contents, 

'Be crazy enough to know 
You can do anything in life'

We all agree with the above statement but hardly believe and execute it. Unfortunately I too fell in the crowd with heaps of excuses. Had a meaningful realization that blaming on my ultra busy and stressful life were mere pathways to escape. 
As we all know, we all have a child inside of us,we need to wake her up, shake her and say, 'Why were you sleeping for an infinite period?'


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